Tuesday, August 12, 2014

[ROM] [UI Patch] Xperia OS V2

This is a Update for Xperia OS ROM for Primo E2! This update is made by me... you can call it a UI patch..

Xperia OS V2 By Snigdho Has an
- Aroma Installer
- DSP Manager
- New SystemUI
- New Settings Handle
- Xperia Volume Pop-Up
- CM and AOKP Plat logo
- Modded Framework
- Modded Dialer And Dialing Screen
- Modded Contacts and Phone
- New Boot logo
- New boot Animation
- NOTE III Headphone Sign

Link To The Update- http://www.mediafire.com/download/1asygphdsj1y49y/Xperia_OS_V2_By_SH.zip

Thanks to
- Allah SWT
- MH Sohan
- Xtreme Ornob
- Kuasha Pranto
- Shehzad Noor Mahi
- MD Shafiqul
- Wasik Jahan Ehsan
- Me (:P)

All used Themes from the ROMS
-Xperia Touch V2
-Xperia Z4/Beast 2
-Pure Jellybean

Way to Install this Update, Its very different
At first Wipe and Flash Xperia OS ROM
Then boot in to recovery and flash Xperia_OS_V2_By_SH then wipe Dalvic Cache
I will prefer to CTR to flash this Update!!

- Don't steal my work
- Share your experience with Screenshot
- Officially released in Walton Primo E2 Users group in Facebook

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

[Tutorial] Making own Android App

[Tutorial] Making your own Android App

Actually it’s not actually making! You can say it Modding..
So let’s start!
Necessary Tools
-An Apk to work with

At first decompile a apk by Apktool.. Then
Find These files
-> res
Now open apktool.yml and search for these lines
Apk file name- Snigdho.apk
Cur_package: com.bel.android.snigdho
Orig_Package: com.bel.android.snigdho

For Example change them to:-
Apk file name- XaynoUI.apk
Cur_package: com.bel.android.xaynoui
Orig_Package: com.bel.android.xaynoui
Now save it and open AndroidManfiest.xml
And search for these lines
package="com.bel.android.snigdho "

Change it to for Example
package="com.bel.android.xayno "
Now open smali>com>snigdho
And rename “snigdho” to “xayno”
And save
Your Package Name is Changed
Now to change app name open AndroidManfiest.xml and search for these lines –
<application android:label =”@string/appname” android:name= “.SnigdhoApplication”
Rename It to –
<application android:label=”Xayno” android:name= “.SnigdhoApplication”
And save!
Now open res>values>strings.xml
And Search for these lines –
string name="app_name">Snigdho</string>

Rename it to for example
-  string name="app_name">Xayno</string>
And save!
Now if you want to customize it open res>drawable nodpi and there you will see some pngs customize them as your will.
Now recompile and Sign The apk! But don’t do App stealing because none of us support this!

Written By : Snigdho Hasan

Friday, August 1, 2014

[Tutorial] Android Theming

[Tutorial] Android Theming

>> Settings.apk
>> Framework-res.apk
- Icons
- Jellybean> Kitkat Platlogo> L (4.5) Platlogo
- Default wallpaper changing
Lets Start
Necessary Tools
> Apktools
> PC/Android Phone
> Settings.apk, Framework-res.apk
> Changing the logo of settings.apk

So first get the settings.apk of a ROM. And
decompile the apk using apktool/ u can also
extract the apk by Ninja Morph. After decompiling
a settings app by apktools, u will get=
> Meta-INF
> Res
> Android Manfiest.xml
> Apktool.yml
> Classes.dex
> Resourses.arsc
But if you extract the apk you will not get all of
these files! I mean the apktool.yml will be
missing. That’s not a matter in modding pngs :P
Ok now open the “res” folder… In the folder you
will see some folder.. There you will find a folder
named “drawable-hdpi” .. Open that folder U will
find a lot of PNGs! :/ Now you will find some Pngs
> Ic_settings_dualsim.png
> Ic_settings_language.png
> Ic_settings_development.png
> Bla bla bla
I mean all those files named
If you are too lazy to make them then you can get
them from any other ROM’s settings.apk and
replace them with your’s (this is what I do :P) Or
if you have time and brain to make them you can
make it but it must be of the same resolution!!
Now after completing every thing Recompile the
settings.apk then sign it and Enjoy the new
settings app 8-)

> Changing Platlogo
What is Platlogo?
Platlogo is that logo!! Go to settings> about
phone> android version!! Press on it for some
time back to back.. down you will see your
android version with its name. Above it you will
see a logo. That logo is known as PLATLOGO
Lets start
Same as before decompile/extract framework-
res.apk using apktools/ NinjaMorph. Now You will
Different files as before now open the folder “res”
There you will find a folder named “drawable-
In that folder u will find some .png files. You can
find Platlogo.png, Platlogo_alt.png U can replace to
png with any Platlogo from an Kikat rom J And now
recompile the framework-res.apk replace with
your stock one and enjoy the new Platlogo! ;)

> Changing Default Wallpaper
Lets start
Same as before decompile/extract framework-
res.apk using apktools/ NinjaMorph. Now You will
Different files as before now open the folder “res”
There you will find a folder named “drawable-
In that folder u will find some .png files and a .jpg
file . You can find a .jpg file named
default_wallpaper.jpg! U can replace to jpg with any
jpg J And now recompile the framework-res.apk
replace with your stock one and enjoy the new
Default Wallpaper! ;)

Written By = Snigdho Hasan
My facebook = www.facebook.com/
For any help you can contact in my Facebook
Stay well, Stay healthy!